28 June 2010

Unexpected weekend

I have a pathological hatred of hanging around in airports, I think that a large part of the security farce of being there 2 hours before the flight is a marketing ploy to get you to spend money in hideously over priced shops. So I generally cut things pretty fine and arrive just in time to walk on to the plane. I have this down to a fine art at my local airport in Bergen where I can leave my house 1 hour before the plan departs, drive 25 minutes to the airport, park, walk to the airport get through security and board the plane. However this weekend I missed an important flight – monumentally!

I was due to fly to Greece on Friday morning for Aris’ wedding. Most of the guys had already gone out and I was set to arrive in Athens at lunch time with 5 hours to spare before the wedding. I was working late on Thursday night, and eventually got to bed at 1am and set my alarm for 5 for a 6.35 flight. .

I woke up without the alarm and looked at my phone. Fuck!!! It was 6.25. Even by my standards I was not going to make a flight that left in 10 minutes. Bugger!

So I got up, checked that the flight had actually left – it had. So then I called KLM – no joy, my flight had left, I was a no-show, tough shit, no chance to change, no money back. I hate those people. Then I looked into getting another flight and it was basically impossible to get a plane that would get me there the same day.

So I gave up, called Aris and made my apologies, then set about making the most of 3 days of free time which I hadn’t planned for. Finished a paper with Chris Jackson, edited Tore’s thesis and then when it finally stopped raining on Sunday I got loads of jobs done in the garden and finally Jamie et al called around for a barbi on sunday evening. So not how I planned to spend the weekend but at least all was not lost.

I look forward to seeing the photos and hearing the stories from Aris and Maria’s big day, sorry I didn’t make it. Good luck guys.

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